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All About Me!!

Here are some facts for you to be able to get to know me better!

.:.Basic Info.:.
Name: Adele Ann Larsson
Birthday: May 2nd
Location: Kentwood Michigan
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brownish
Height: 5'5"
Weight: umm, no
Family: Barb, Scott, Brett (mom, dad, bro)
Pets: Speedy, Skyzer, Quazi (turtles)

.:.My Friends.:.
Some Girlfriends: Erin, Kayla, Kara, Ashley, Sara, Linds, Katie, Charla, Amy, Claire, Emily, Jenny, Michelle, Danielle..and sry if i forgot you!
Some Guyfriends: IZ, Josh, Tory, Tim, Jimmy, Brad, Willy, Matt, Duc, Ben, Mike, Michael, Baker, Eric, Nate, Mark, Joel, Jake, Andrew, Andy..and sry if i forgot you!
Best Friend(s): Erin-i miss you SOO much! IZ, Kayla, Tim

Color: Pink or baby blue
Food: Pizza?
Movie: Finding Nemo - Knick Knak(kayla)
Class: Band..haha JK
Song: Tim Rushlow - I can't be your friend .. or Blink-182 - First Date
TV station: MTV
TV show: Real World, My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, or Viva La Bam
Video Game: SSX snowboarding- PS2
Clothing store: American Eagle
Scent: IZ's Cologne
Sight: It sounds So stupid, but the scene out of my hotel room in Phili on the ECT or out of my room at the resort in Florida

Last: No Comment 
Longest: IZ
Shortest: Matt(the first one) and Josh - i think that they tied
Youngest: Joe
First 6th Grade: Matt R.
Best: IZ
Most fun: Ben or Matt K.
Most regreted: thats a hard one - umm.. Ben
Most happy during: Matt K.
Hurt most by: Benjamin or Matt R. - haha
Dumbest: IZ
Total number: 13
Who I like now: haha, like i really wanna tell you! 3 guys, 2 of them know it!
In Love: Yea i was..i think..i'm not telling, they know who they were (2)

GPA: 3.629
Worst Class: Algebra 2
Best Class: Band - haha
Easiest: Health? i think, it just started
Hardest: Algebra 2, Bio, French 1
Least fun: English
Most fun: Algebra 2, French 1, Band - awesome people, hate the teachers!
What class would you drop first: Band..haha kayla
What class would you never drop: Band..idk, really fun - socializing
Best grade: 3rd!!
Best teacher: Miss Krug - 3rd!! or Mr 'B' - 5th
Lunch: LOVE it! - A-A-A-A-A
School: East Kentwood - wouldnt transfer for the world!
School sports: SOFTBALL!
Friend thats in the most classes with you: Larissa (2), Kara (2), Kayla (2), Alyssa (2), Will (3)

All past sports: soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming, figure skating
Sports now: Softball, water skiing, wakeboarding, salom, running
Favorite all time sport: Figure skating
Favorite now sport: Softball
Best at sport: Water skiing, or Figure skating, or i guess Swimming
Worst at sport: Soccer - never scored ONCE in like 4 years of playing!
Coolest sport: Wakeboarding
Hated sport: Swimming!!!
Loved sport: Figure skating and Softball

.:.Random Stuff.:.
How many computers are in my house?: 5, but 6, cause one is in Ann Arbor w/ my bro
Do you have your own? yes - two
TV's?: 5 but 4 more at my second house
Do you have your own? yes, at my second house
What material is your living room couches?: Leather
Cars: Jimmy, TrailBlazer, Windstar ( Go Boxes!)
Boats: StarCraft, something else, 2 canoes, paddle boat, and a Sea-Doo
Quads: Yep, one
Snowmobiles: Yep, two
Play an insterment?: Yep, trombone - and kinda piano, gitar and clarinet (cause i have those)
Hours spent talking on the phone each day: 1-2
Watching TV?: 1-2
Doing homework?: 1-2
At school?: over 7
On the Computer: Subtract 7 from 24

.:.More Random Stuff.:.
Perspective on sex at a young age: I dont think that it is smart at all
On abortion: I dont like that either
Marriage at a young age: Dont like that, get a promise ring! lol
College: Yep, i'm going!!
Career: architecture - or teaching
Married age: 24
Best qualities in a guy/girl: Ability to make me laugh, Personality, Hair, Posture, Sence of Humor, fun to be around, cute, able to cheer me up, loving, trustworthy and honest
Most noticed thing about a guy/girl's appearance: Hair and Smile
How Far you've gone and with who: None of your biz. but with IZ - haha!!
Do you have a promise ring?: YEP!
Do you believe in God?: YEA!!
Do you go to Church?: Yea, but i wanna go more!
Are you a good Daughter/Son?: Prbly not
Sister/Brother?: Yea, i think so
Friend?: Yea, i hope so!!
Definition of Love: Having complete trust, and faith in someone. being able to see all their bad qualities, but loving them anyways. always wanting and hoping to see them and talk to them, wanting to be with them every second of everyday, and feeling like you couldnt survive a day with out them. being able to be totaly honest, open, and totaly happy with them.

Anything else that you want people to know?: Nothing really, but e-mail me if there is a questoin you want answered! i'll try my best! sweetiepie8902@yahoo.com


My 9th Grade Picture! Arnt i just SOO cute!?? lol..JK!

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