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You should all know that my name is Adele (or just Del or my close friends and family) I am 14 years old, and I am a freshman at East Kentwood high school. YAY, softball's starting, i'm excited..lol my KBL team is gonna suck but its all good, and i'm not sure about my EK team yet, but who knows!?

I love to figure skate, swim (not on a team tho), talk on the phone or AIM (erin, u really need to get it!!), go shopping (big suprise, i know!), hang out with friends (and boyfriends!!), and all the other stuff that 14 year old girls like to do!!

All my friends...

Look for your name!

Erin - Hello!you suck for having two weeks for spring break! you have to come UP and visit sometime! have a great time in FLORIDA and hope you and matt are all good. love ya girl

Katie - I love our awesome arm movie thingy or whatever! sorry if i hurt you!! love ya babe!!

Kayla - SLINKY!! ahaha. Lets run! I love your church and thank you SOO much for everything that you have done for me! i love you so much and i thank God everyday that i have such a great friend!

Dan - thank you so much for becoming my friend! i really love comming to church and i had an awesome time at statewide! i cant wait until Dinner and a Movie! lol

Mike a.k.a. Paul Davis! - haha, i have a great time talking to you about our stupid comuters! you're awesome and i'm very glad that i got o know you!


Baker - havent talked to you in a while!

Matt - hey, its great to be able to talk again. lets not fight..lol

Isaac - hate ya but thats okay - muahcha

Tim - you..me..hooking up, sounds awesome, haha..kill IZ for me k? great! love ya babe.

Mitch - ; )

Ally - Klink klink KINKY

Sara - Trip and FALL..i love ya hun and i hope you have an awesome year even though we dont talk much!

Linds - YOU call ME womanie!

Nikki - babe, gotta talk to ya again soon! MUCHABRANDA

Josh B. - "i banish you from my group of friends".."oh darn"

Mike T. - CONFUSION, dazed and confused!!! YAY!

Kevin K. - GA! georgia, yep - sounds like a blast!

Eliza - PICKLE! omg, i was crying! i love ya girl!


if you want me to say something to you, e-mail me! sweetiepie8902@yahoo.com