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Home Page

I Hope that everyone is doing good!

I kinda keep updating this and i've been slowly trying to add stuff about EK so just look around and come back!

Sign My Guestbook! i wanna know you've been here!

<<<thats a scetch that i drew and decided to just put up here, it kinda sucks..but whatever..lol

scroll down..
New Stuff

12/08/03  I first made this website.

03/25/04 last updated

there is a new page..the Song Lyrics page..i have some of my favorite songs in there, and you should e-mail me so that i can keep changing it and everything!!

Check out the New Pages! All About Me and EK Sports Schedule


EKHS announcments..

Sping Break April 5-9

SPRING  BREAK  T-SHIRTS   Shirts cost $10.00.


Look on the EKHS page to find all the events for the month!


Just some Comments

Kites rise highest against the wind -- not with it.
--Sir Winston Churchill

I still feel like I gotta prove something. There are a lot of people hoping I fail. But I like that. I need to be hated.
--Howard Stern

The safest place to be is within the will of God.

Baseball [softball] is 90% mental, the other half is physical
--Yogi Berra


e-mail me sometime!!

